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Welcome possible relatives!



I would like to state first and foremost that I realize there are MANY people related to this royal line. I am sure I am not the only (once upon a time) beautiful redhead that resembled paintings of royal queens and princesses. If my people had not been chased out, I do believe my daughters and son would be princesses and a prince!


I stopped my own research at THOMAS WENTWORTH because he was so extensively researched there is no need for me to look further.



Thomas Wentworth (1st Baron of Nettlestead)

(my 12th great grandfather, also grandson to Sir James Tyrrell by way of Anne)


Elizabeth Wentworth


Richard Day


Robert Day


Mary Day


Samuel Ely


Samuel Ely


Simeon/Simon Ely


Simeon/Saemon Ely


David Ely


Darwin(Derwin/Darrin) Ely


Charles A Ely












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